“MILES….away”                             by Bobby West 


A blue-black man…  blew an even darker horn…

Hard pressed to lips…  red, cracked and worn…

His fragile hands…  were like a maze of veins…

At his fingertips…  were indigo stains_


His shiny face…  had met with lines of age

Eyes, vibrant still…  but with their whites gone beige…

His whispery voice…  was but a muted scream…

With his horn of gold…  He played themes to a dream_


A tortured soul…  He played tomorrow’s blues

Because yesterdays grooves…  reflected ancient news…

A man so bold…  as to damn the rules…

Some said he could be cold…  but he was always…  cool


​​………..Wanna know the rest of this story.. ?

Coming soon…. Bobby West Poetry book